Judging Mode
There is more than one method of Judging
Blind Review: An evaluation made without knowledge of information that may influence a person's assessment of a situation. This approach is used to eliminate conscious or unconscious bias.
Collaborative Review: The collaborative decision-making process aims to combine input from all stakeholders and thus make the best choice from an objective point of view. Naturally, the decisions made by groups differ from those made by individuals.
Public Voting: General Review by the public.
Hybrid Review: (Blind + Public Voting)
Hybrid Review: (Collaborative + Public Voting)
Judging mode options
Criterion-based: An assessment whose criteria are pre-determined based on specific assessment criteria.
Based on eligibility: the quality or status of qualification and suitability to be selected.
Comments Only
5-Star Rating: Five-point rating scales.
From the following options you can:
Allow participants to submit multiple submissions. (when checked you get to choose how many submissions a participant can submit)
Allow Participants to edit their submissions until the submission deadline.
Allow judges to edit their evaluations until the evaluation deadline.
Enable submission tracks: To have multiple tracks for application forms.
Reveal the submission status to the participants: You can choose to only reveal the submission status (eligible/ineligible/pending) of participants on their participant account.
Show Judge feedback: Show judge’s feedback on the participants account.
Allow Admin Judging: The program administrator may judge.
Enable Public Voting: To help make the public vote for the winners.
Updated on: 02/09/2024
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