Articles on: Untap Compete

Round Analysis

Here you can view graphical analysis & statistics for the all submissions by participants.

Pie Chart

Pie charts represent the analysis for participants' answers for any question of type "Radio button" or "Check Boxes" that has less than 5 answers

Question type: Radio button with less than 5 choices

Pie Chart analysis for the above question

Bar Chart

Bar charts represent the analysis for participants' answers for any question of type "Radio button" or "Check Boxes" that has more than 5 answers

Question type: Radio button with more than 5 choices

Bar Chart analysis for the above question

Exporting Data

All the submissions data can be downloaded in a .CSV file format by clicking the "Export" button (can be found on the top right side of the page)
For more info, please check Export Data

Updated on: 18/08/2024

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