Round Settings
The first round is created by default. You can open the settings for the first round when you click on the round’s name. You can change the round title. You can choose the time zone of the program. Choose submission and Evaluation dates.Few readersMessages
Automated emails sent to participants Depending on your choices, an email may be sent to the following: Participant Invitation Participant Submission Judge Invitation Program Participation Winners Announcement Note: Winners are the qualified submissions if you would like to send an email to all qualified submissions you can do that by implementing an email message inside the (WinnersFew readersJudging Mode
There is more than one method of Judging Blind Review: An evaluation made without knowledge of information that may influence a person's assessment of a situation. This approach is used to eliminate conscious or unconscious bias. Collaborative Review: The collaborative decision-making process aims to combine input from all stakeholders and thus make the best choice from an objective poFew readersRound Types
Adding new Rounds To add a new round please click on + New Round. Enter the Round title and choose the Round type if it is a submission round or an evaluation round. Submission Round The Submission round is the same as what was previously explained in the Round settings ( readers